“Project Management in Nature Conservation: challenges and perspectivies”
While being exciting, running a successful conservation-based project also has its own unique set of challenges; challenges that sometimes fall outside the typical areas many project managers are familiar with, both in terms of experience and geography. Engaging traditional communities and other stakeholders that frequently have little access to many of the resources we take for granted in a modern urbanized world; numerous disparate and disconnected stakeholders; heightened levels of distrust for centralized, urban leadership; projects that can run for many years and even exotic diseases are all components to deal with when running a conservation project. Iain will discuss the pros and cons of running successful projects within such parameters, what to be aware of, and how a non-typical approach (and lots of muddy boots on the ground observation, oversight and trust building) are essential to guaranteeing success in this world.
Professional Background
Iain Jackson is the Conservation Director of WWF Bulgaria. He has over 20 years of global experience in conservation, sustainable livelihoods, capacity building and international development. For many years he has worked with communities and conservation organizations to limit poaching and animal trafficking, build capacity in community conservation and implement strategic conservation goals and programs. He also has lots of hands on experience in complex project planning and implementation, including at a landscape scale. In addition to East Africa and Southeast Asia, he has worked in Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom to activate the public and business for environmental causes.