“Overcoming the Global Epidemic of Disengaged Employees & Dysfunctional Organizations”
Decades of research – as well as common sense – suggest that unmotivated people working in unhealthy workplaces are less productive, less innovative, and less creative. But, although it’s well known how to engage employees and create healthy work environments, employee engagement globally is around 15%. Why? Who’s responsible for this? Come explore the dark side of organizations, and the bright future available to those who are determined to “lead from any chair” to re-shape their organizations and generate great results by design.
Professional Background
Kimberly Wiefling is the founder of Wiefling Consulting, and co-founder of Silicon Valley Alliances. She helps individuals, teams and organizations overcome the most common causes of failure (the so-called “touchy-feely crap”) and survive in a world of disruptive change through her highly engaging, experiential, interactive “Learning Laboratories”. Kimberly lives in Silicon Valley, and has worked in the US, Europe and Asia. Her superpower is bringing people together across borders and boundaries of every kind to achieve what none could do alone.
Her first book, Scrappy Project Management, was also published in Japanese. She has edited and co-authored an additional 6 books in the “Scrappy Guides” series, and dozens of blogs. Her mentor, Dr. Edgar Schein, wrote the foreword to her new book “Inspired Organizational Cultures – Discover Your DNA, Engage Your People, and Design Your Future”. Kimberly is also a serial entrepreneur. She’s been involved in a dozen startups. One was acquired by Google, Elite Horse Clothing is still in operation, and she helped EmbeddedWorks bootstrap to 7-figure annual revenues over the past decade. Kimberly is most enthusiastic about engaging with anyone committed to solving global problems profitably and making a positive difference on Planet Earth.