Пътят на проектния мениджър от професия до призвание от Диана Ковачева

   Следващата вълнуваща история от поредицата Success Stories е тази на Диана Ковачева - доброволец и член на PMI Bulgaria Chapter. Диана е част от extended борда на PMI Bulgaria Chapter в ресор Комуникации. В професионален план, Диана работи като Проектен Мениджър в международна иновативна софтуерна компания - COREFIN, и има вече над 6 години опит в управлението на международни проекти. Тя е завършила своето висше образование в сферата на финансите в престижни университети в Австрия и Холандия. Диана притежава също така няколко сертификата в сферата на бизнес анализа, управлението на проекти в Agile среда и съвсем скоро се надява да добави и PMP титлата към списъка с постижения.

Don’t be afraid to change course in your life by Lili Kaneva

   Today we are happy to meet one of our very passionate PMI Bulgaria Chapter volunteers - Lili Kaneva. She is a Master of Electronics from the Technical University of Sofia, a Master of Business Administration from the international faculty of the University of Sheffield and a certified Project Management Professional. Most of her professional experience is related to automotive electronics where she has held roles both in Operations and Development.

A Very Positive and Rewarding Experience by Boryana Georgieva

   Today we are happy to meet Boryana Georgieva – former Vice President for Professional Development at PMI Bulgaria Chapter and a current Community Engagement Committee member in the educational foundation of PMI (PMIEF). Boryana is PMP, Scrum Master and ITIL v3 Expert and ITILv4 Managing Professional, who works for one of the world's leading IT companies, DXC Technology.

One can learn a lot by being a Mentor by Nadezhda Milenkova

   Today we are happy to meet Nadezhda Milenkova, who is a certified PMP since 2013 since when she’s been monitoring the positive development of PMI Bulgaria Chapter as a chapter member and participant in various events and initiatives.

   She has been managing projects within the Infrastructure Support world, primarily in Service Management Projects for more than 12+ years now. Currently she is GMS ITSM lead in Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

My success story as a mentee by Marinela Boyadzhieva

   We are happy to introduce you to Marinela Boyadzhieva - one of the participants in the pilot edition of the PMI Bulgaria Chapter Mentoring Program which ended in the spring of 2020.

   Marinela is an IT professional with more than ten years of experience in the industry and she’s currently working as a Scrum Master. Having started her career as a QA engineer, she moved through different roles like Test Lead, Test Automation Engineer and Test Automation Project Lead. She has had the chance to work on different kinds of projects in the areas of payments, online betting and gaming industry and overseeing the full software development life-cycle, starting with waterfall and transitioning to agile practices. Still she decided to go for a change about two years ago and switched her focus fully to project management. She started with several trainings and certifications and this is how she came across PMI and PMI Bulgaria Chapter and started following all project management related events and initiatives. Later on she became PMP certified and hopes to go for the PMI-ACP shortly as well.