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Frank Turley | PMDAY Bulgaria 2018

Frank Turley


Frank Turley

PM activist, author, human

Presentation topic

Making project management funking easy

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Check Frank’s video message for PMDAY2018

Presentation abstract

The majority of people join PMI to learn more about project management and to learn and practice new project management. There is a need to simplify the project process and make easy to train and coach other people.  This can be done by focusing on benefits realization and let the data drive the project.

The following will be introduced during the presentation and made freely available to all PMI members

  1. A light project framework that is:
  • based on the PMBOK and easy to use and explain to others
  • focus on products, benefits and data driven PM

  1. A simple free online PM tool which
  • supports the project manager
  • makes the project very visual (project data)

  1. Sample projects from different domains
  • These are detailed project documents
  • They make it easier for PMs take on other projects outside their domain

People can decide to use this light PM framework themselves and/or use it to train other people in project management and give them the confidence to start to run their own projects.  Workshop material will also be provided to the PMI members.

Professional experience

Frank Turley is a project management author, speaker, and adviser, with more than 16 years of experience in project management. He covers both PRINCE2® and Agile concepts.
Frank is on a mission to help aspiring project managers gain practical experience. He does this through his writings, sample projects, tips, and innovative ways of teaching the PM methodologies.
Frank is a regular speaker at PM events on topics such as PM skills and making it easy for people to get started in project management, gain skills and picking up PM experience. He also suggests volunteering as the best way to open yourself up to gaining these skills, as this is working for many people.

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