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Roman Reznikov | PMDAY Bulgaria 2018

Roman Reznikov


Roman Reznikov

PMO Expert
SoftServe Inc

Presentation topic

Business Intelligence in SoftServe. How to build a data-driven management approach on a project, portfolio and business levels?
Presented in cooperation with Kostiantyn Krykunov.

Presentation abstract

In the presentation it will be shown the framework, toolset and approaches that are widely used in SoftServe to monitor and control projects, assess risks related to the management processes and performance, measure employees and client’s satisfaction, aggregate data on a level of portfolios. During the presentation it will be emphasized the importance of project and operational metrics and how they should be aligned with a business goals to assure project success. The presenters will show how their company drives business based on KPIs and uses data measures for wise decision making.

Professional experience

Roman Reznikov – SoftServe PMO Expert. Winner of Best Professional in Project Management IT Award Ukraine 2017. Certified PMP, ITIL, PRINCE2. Vice President of PMI Kiev Chapter.
Roman has more than 9 years experience in IT. He started as IT-Engineer in one of Ukrainian Banks, raised up to head of IT Department, continued his career in one of the biggest IT integrator, leading large enterprise projects. Roman leaded several accounts from Global 500 list and growed team up to 100 team members.
Business Domain Experience: Healthcare, Retail, Pharmaceutical, Telecommunication
Professional certifications: Certified PMP, ITIL, PRINCE2.

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