51th PMI Bulgaria Chapter Meeting
14 Jun 2017, 19:00h
About the event
WHEN: 14 Jun 2017, 19:00hWHERE: Sensata Technologies, 7 Iskarsko Shosse Blvd., Building 1, 1st floor
(To go there you can use a metro to station “Iskarsko Shosse” or busses No 88, 604 or trams No 20, 23 or a car (free parking spot will be available))
HOW TO REGISTER: Please access and fill in the registration form online by clicking HERE ( R.S.V.P latest by June 13, 2017 )
Under courtesy cooperation and hosting by
19:00 - 19:15 Reception and Registration19:15 - 19:30 Sensata Technologies – company presentation
19:30 - 20:30 Project/Program management as an integral part of Product-life cycle management
Melis Ozbek – Department Manager Project Management
Stanislav Manasiev - Bulgaria HTS Project Management Team leader
NO Fee!!!
Please note that for those who are PMI Certified "This meeting provides PDU". Note that PDUs shall be granted automatically after the meeting.For a PDU: it is imperative though to sign in the Presence List against your name and PMI ID at the reception & registration.
Please arrange your time schedule in order to meet again.