49th PMI Bulgaria Chapter Meeting
29.03.2017 18:45
About the event
WHEN: 29 March 2017, 18:45hWHERE: AUBG – American University in Bulgaria, Auditorium, Elieff Center for Education and Culture, 1 Universitetski park Str., Studentski grad, Sofia, 1700
HOW TO REGISTER: Please access and fill in the registration form online by clicking HERE ( R.S.V.P latest by March 28, 2017 )
Under courtesy cooperation and hosting by
18:45 - 19:00 Reception and Registration19:00 - 20:10 Behavioural Economics – Milena Nikolova, Professor of business at the American University in Bulgaria
About the lecture: Behavioral Economics: insights to use in professional realities Behavioral economics is a relatively young area of knowledge, which provides new insights on how people make decisions in different socio-economic contexts. Using insights from psychology behavioral economists offer explanation about why people tend to make seemingly irrational and unpractical choices at times. With this talk Prof. Milena Nikolova will review some practical insights about the benefits of behavioral thinking across different situations that we can relate to in daily professional life.
About the speaker: Milena S. Nikolova is a professor of business at the American University in Bulgaria. She holds a doctoral degree from The George Washington University School of Business and has rich international experience as consumer trends and behavior specialist. She is currently working on a book on behavioral economics especially for the tourism and hospitality sector.
20:10 - 20:20 Maintain your PDU – Nikolay Penev, VP Professional development at the PMI Bulgaria Chapter20:20 - 21:00 Presentation of new members, Open Discussion, Q&A, Networking, Cocktail
Fees ( * paid at the Registration desk )
PMI Bulgaria Chapter and IIBA Members as well as AUBG Alumni:No FeeHosting Company Employees: No Fee
Other Guests: 10 BGN
Please note that for those who are PMI Certified "This meeting provides PDU". Note that PDUs shall be granted automatically after the meeting.For a PDU: it is imperative though to sign in the Presence List against your name and PMI ID at the reception & registration.
Please arrange your time schedule in order to meet again.